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The new version of EnamineStore provides enhanced functionality to quickly search and purchase from catalogs of Enamine and UORSY (collectively over 10 million compounds). The following improvements have been realized besides changes in general form layouts:

Search functionality

  • one search form with multiple usage modes for both easy and advanced queries introduced;
  • JME replaced with Marvin JavaScript drawing tool, allowing to draw structures for queries conveniently in all modern web-browsers instead of resource-consuming Java applet;
  • support of advanced query features introduced (multiple fragments, lists of atoms, generic query atoms, etc.);
  • structure can be imported directly into the query editor;
  • structural search history kept for the session;
  • search by any supported structure identifier (Enamine catalog number, CAS/ ACD number or chemical name) or their list instantly introduced;
  • new additional parameters can be added to building block queries: price limit and regional stock availability;
  • found structures can be refined with a consecutive search using two different modes.


  • one-click search of close analogs, relevant by functional groups introduced;
  • one-click transfer of structure to query builder introduced;
  • building block prices visible directly in catalog (no need to put an item to cart to check price);
  • transport conditions data added;
  • added data export in tabular form (.csv format), export-related bugs fixed;
  • information provided in a more user-friendly manner;
  • consistent handling of screening compounds featuring multiple batches with different salt parts introduced.


  • any item can be purchased in multiple different batches;
  • salt part may be selected for screening compounds (whenever option available);
  • inquiries for out-of-stock items are handled through cart and checkout as a part of ordering process.

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