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The full stock and virtual databases of Enamine’s compounds for the hit finding projects. Download, select, screen and follow-up.

Screening Collections

Stock collection containing over 4.4M compounds obtained internally using Enamine Building Blocks and in-house synthetic capabilities.

REAL Compounds

Most reliable ultra-large chemical database on the market for your virtual screening and synthesis with an average 80% success rate.


Pre-selected compounds to be used in Fragment Based Drug Discovery and related fields.

Covalent Compounds

Covalent binders with most canonical as well as novel warheads.

Photoaffinity Compounds

For easy and efficient exploration of novel protein targets and proteomics screening platforms.

Bioactive Collection

Collection of FDA- approved drugs, “tool compounds” with validated biological activity, active metabolites/prodrugs and drug candidates.

Impurity Reference Standards

Rare and recently reported standards from stock. If not yet commercially available, we provide custom synthesis.

PROTAC Toolbox (Protein degrader toolbox)

Stand-alone toolbox of active degraders, linkers, ligands and warheads from Enamine’s stock for purchase and design of new target molecules in the field of protein degradation.


Non-trivial compounds for screening and tackling “difficult” targets with extended binding sites and other unusual cases.


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