Chemistry in Ukraine

Chem. Rec. 2024, e202400008

DOI: 10.1002/tcr.202400008

Grygorenko O.; Lampeka R.; Chebanov V.; Kovalenko M.; Wuttke S.

In this special issue, we highlight recent advances in chemical research by scientists in Ukraine, as well as by their compatriots and collaborators outside the country. Besides spotlighting their contributions, we see our task in fostering global partnerships and multi-, inter-, and trans-disciplinary collaborations, including much-needed co-funded projects and initiatives. The three decades of the renewed Ukraine independence have seen rather limited integration of Ukrainian (chemical) science into global research communities. [1] At the same time, the recent surge of collaborative science initiatives between European Union (EU) and Ukraine echoes the unfolding steps towards Ukraine's full research participation to the Horizon Europe Program. This recently implemented step opens enormous possibilities for Ukrainian researchers to apply for diverse EU research grants. Moreover, a number of journal special issues and collections were launched to highlight Ukrainian chemistry (i. e., by Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds [2] and ChemistrySelect [3]). Other scientific initiatives include ‘European Chemistry School for Ukrainians’ [4] and ‘Kharkiv Chemical Seminar’ [5] as voluntary projects aimed at engaging Ukrainian scientists into European and international chemical research.